Exploring Replicability in Biostatistics

Replicability Crisis in Science?

Filippo Gambarota
Gianmarco Altoè

18-22 September 2023

Setup R


library(tidyverse) # for data manipulation
library(curatedOvarianData) # workshop data
devtools::load_all() # load all functions for the workshop

Loading Data

datl <- readRDS(here("03-biostatistics", "objects", "ovarianclean.rds"))

Replicability in Biostatistics

Replicability in Biostatistics

  • In Biostatistics is common to have a similar experimental setup (i.e., same genes and variables), repeated across multiple studies. Replicability in this framework refer to how consistent is a variable (e.g., gene expression) in predicting a certain outcome across different dataset.
  • We will try to assess how a certain variable consistently (or not) predict a certain outcome using a binary classification and meta-analytic approach



For this lecture we will use:

  • Gene expression data
  • Analysis of contingency tables
  • Binary classifiers
  • Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves
  • The Youden index to analyze ROC curves

Genes expression data

We are going to use the curatedOvarianData dataset (see Waldron et al., 2014 for details). Ganzfried (2013) provide a detailed description of the dataset structure.

Data structure

Gene Expression data are very complex in terms of acquisition, pre-processing and organization. The full list of datasets can be seen using data(dataset, package = "curatedOvarianData") (when the package is loaded using library() the package = argument can be omitted):

data(package = "curatedOvarianData")$result[, "Item"]
 [1] "E.MTAB.386_eset"         "GSE12418_eset"          
 [3] "GSE12470_eset"           "GSE13876_eset"          
 [5] "GSE14764_eset"           "GSE17260_eset"          
 [7] "GSE18520_eset"           "GSE19829.GPL570_eset"   
 [9] "GSE19829.GPL8300_eset"   "GSE20565_eset"          
[11] "GSE2109_eset"            "GSE26193_eset"          
[13] "GSE26712_eset"           "GSE30009_eset"          
[15] "GSE30161_eset"           "GSE32062.GPL6480_eset"  
[17] "GSE32063_eset"           "GSE44104_eset"          
[19] "GSE49997_eset"           "GSE51088_eset"          
[21] "GSE6008_eset"            "GSE6822_eset"           
[23] "GSE8842_eset"            "GSE9891_eset"           
[25] "PMID15897565_eset"       "PMID17290060_eset"      
[27] "PMID19318476_eset"       "TCGA.RNASeqV2_eset"     
[29] "TCGA.mirna.8x15kv2_eset" "TCGA_eset"              

Data loading

Instead of using the data() function to load the datasets you can use the getdata() function:

getdata <- function(dataset, package){
  env <- new.env()
  lapply(dataset, function(x) data(list = x, package = package, envir = env))
  dlist <- lapply(dataset, function(x) base::get(x, envir = env))
  names(dlist) <- dataset
  if(length(dlist) == 1){
      dlist <- dlist[[1]]
dat <- getdata("GSE12418_eset", package = "curatedOvarianData")

Data extraction

To get all the genes names from a dataset you can use get_gene_names() and to get all phenotype variables you can use the get_pheno_names(). Not all datasets have the same genes and variables.

get_gene_names <- function(data){
get_pheno_names <- function(data){
get_gene_names(dat) |> head()
[1] "A1CF"   "A2M"    "A2ML1"  "A4GALT" "A4GNT"  "AAAS"  
get_pheno_names(dat) |> head()
[1] "alt_sample_name"   "unique_patient_ID" "sample_type"      
[4] "histological_type" "primarysite"       "arrayedsite"      

Data extraction

You can check also if a specific gene or phenotype is present within a dataset (if you want to select all datasets with certain properties) using the has_pheno() and has_gene() functions:

has_gene <- function(data, gene){
    gene %in% get_gene_names(data)
has_pheno <- function(data, pheno){
    pheno %in% get_pheno_names(data)
has_gene(dat, c("ABLIM3", "ABRACL"))
has_pheno(dat, "debulking")
[1] TRUE

Data transformation

For the purpose of this workshop we will transform the gene-phenotype database in a standard 2d dataframe using the get_bio_data() function. The majority of packages that we are going to use works better with this data structure.

get_bio_data <- function(data, gene = NULL, phenotype = NULL){
  gene <- if(is.null(gene)) get_gene_names(data) else gene
  phenotype <- if(is.null(phenotype)) get_pheno_names(data) else phenotype
  phend <- data.frame(Biobase::pData(data)[, phenotype])
  gened <- data.frame(Biobase::exprs(data)[gene, ])
  if(length(gene) != 1){
    gened <- data.frame(t(gened))
  out <- cbind(phend, gened)
  colnames(out) <- c(phenotype, gene)
  rownames(out) <- NULL

Data transformation

For example, we want to extract the ARHGAP5 and ZNF487 genes and debulking and tumorstage phenotype variables.

dat <- getdata("GSE32063_eset", "curatedOvarianData")
get_bio_data(dat, c("ARHGAP5", "ZNF487"), c("debulking", "tumorstage"))
    debulking tumorstage    ARHGAP5     ZNF487
1  suboptimal          3 -1.3788404 -1.4693060
2     optimal          3 -0.7029762 -2.1866198
3  suboptimal          3 -1.1906614 -1.5242004
4  suboptimal          3 -1.5408096 -1.9636803
5  suboptimal          3 -1.8204670 -1.6253910
6     optimal          3 -0.1023159 -0.9768720
7  suboptimal          4 -1.4978333 -2.8806515
8     optimal          4 -0.3169098 -0.9902863
9     optimal          3 -0.9621868 -1.2781801
10 suboptimal          3 -2.6246548 -2.3127084
11 suboptimal          3 -1.1208530 -1.3294687
12 suboptimal          3 -1.6579170 -3.5191045
13 suboptimal          4 -1.7063255 -1.0643783
14    optimal          3 -1.2869992 -1.2185640
15 suboptimal          3 -2.5078154 -1.6630969
16 suboptimal          4 -1.0130329 -1.6677127
17 suboptimal          3 -2.3309345 -2.7753735
18 suboptimal          3 -2.4601330 -1.0582757
19    optimal          3 -1.7182579 -1.4094768
20    optimal          3 -1.3721395 -1.7538829
21    optimal          4 -1.0870414 -1.6791105
22    optimal          3 -0.7623720 -1.4829173
23 suboptimal          3 -1.1356659 -2.1259017
24    optimal          3 -1.3679762 -0.1064415
25 suboptimal          4 -1.1441503 -2.5149746
26    optimal          3 -1.8230276 -0.3728800
27 suboptimal          3 -1.2220440 -2.3130960
28    optimal          3 -0.7620802 -1.6277437
29    optimal          3 -0.1756640 -1.4368038
30 suboptimal          3 -0.3513031 -1.5798197
31    optimal          3 -1.1255894 -1.3647880
32    optimal          3 -1.2265711 -1.5709486
33    optimal          3  0.4664946 -1.0424862
34 suboptimal          4 -1.8461108 -2.3798810
35    optimal          3 -1.7979369 -0.7189474
36 suboptimal          3 -1.6521063 -1.7661219
37    optimal          3 -2.3519936 -0.6084919
38    optimal          3 -2.1397367 -0.6968164
39 suboptimal          4 -1.6583776 -2.9544182
40 suboptimal          4 -1.6778574 -3.0424485

Data structure

We performed a little bit of pre-processing to have a more clean and minimal dataset. The pre-processing are described into the 03-biostatistics/scripts/gene-data-preprocessing.R:


listdata <- data(package = "curatedOvarianData")$results[, "Item"]
datl <- lapply(listdata, getdata, package = "curatedOvarianData")
names(datl) <- listdata

# we need the debulking as phenotype, lets see which data have it

has_debulking <- sapply(datl, function(d) any(!is.na(pData(d)[, "debulking"])))
datl_debulking <- datl[has_debulking]

# let's see how many NAs and remove the dataset with an high percentage

pNA <- sapply(datl_debulking, function(x) mean(is.na(pData(x)[, "debulking"])))
ncases <- sapply(datl_debulking, function(x) length(pData(x)[, "debulking"]))
missing <- data.frame(pNA, ncases)

# remove dataset with more than 20% of NA on debulking
datl_debulking <- datl_debulking[pNA < 0.2]

# let's explore the genes, we keep the genes that are in common with all
# datasets. One dataset the "TCGA.mirna.8x15kv2_eset" dataset has some genes that are
# completely different from the others, we remove it.

# get_gene_names(datl_debulking$TCGA.mirna.8x15kv2_eset)
datl_debulking <- datl_debulking[names(datl_debulking) != "TCGA.mirna.8x15kv2_eset"]

# now we intersect all the gene names to keep only the common ones
genes <- lapply(datl_debulking, get_gene_names)
common_genes <- base::Reduce(base::intersect, genes)

# converting into dataframe with selected 
ovarianclean <- lapply(datl_debulking, get_bio_data, common_genes, "debulking")

# saving
saveRDS(ovarianclean, "03-biostatistics/objects/ovarianclean.rds")

Data structure

The pre-processing create a dataframe with datasets having both the debulking variable and all genes in common. In this way we can analyze and compare genes among all datasets.

datl <- readRDS(here("03-biostatistics", "objects", "ovarianclean.rds"))
str(datl, max.level = 1)
List of 15
 $ E.MTAB.386_eset      :'data.frame':  129 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE12418_eset        :'data.frame':  54 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE17260_eset        :'data.frame':  110 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE26712_eset        :'data.frame':  195 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE30009_eset        :'data.frame':  103 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE30161_eset        :'data.frame':  58 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE32062.GPL6480_eset:'data.frame':  260 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE32063_eset        :'data.frame':  40 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE49997_eset        :'data.frame':  204 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ GSE9891_eset         :'data.frame':  285 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ PMID15897565_eset    :'data.frame':  63 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ PMID17290060_eset    :'data.frame':  117 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ PMID19318476_eset    :'data.frame':  42 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ TCGA.RNASeqV2_eset   :'data.frame':  261 obs. of  220 variables:
 $ TCGA_eset            :'data.frame':  578 obs. of  220 variables:

Data structure

I prefer always working (if possible) with a simple dataframe:

dat <- dplyr::bind_rows(datl, .id = "dataset")
          dataset  debulking     ABCA1    ABCA2    ABCA3    ABCA4    ABCA5
1 E.MTAB.386_eset suboptimal 10.839395 6.845599 8.962037 7.735899 6.911055
2 E.MTAB.386_eset    optimal 11.227465 7.522329 8.647420 7.257863 7.157317
3 E.MTAB.386_eset    optimal 11.375979 7.195961 8.124816 8.797894 7.076414
4 E.MTAB.386_eset    optimal  9.716625 8.253187 7.494501 7.685826 6.926470
5 E.MTAB.386_eset suboptimal 11.647426 8.300361 7.816192 7.241782 7.062383
6 E.MTAB.386_eset    optimal 10.291002 7.487264 7.788690 9.890838 7.227646
     ABCA8    ABCB1    ABCB4    ABCB7    ABCB9    ABCC1    ABCC10    ABCC4
1 8.880053 7.742924 6.858119 10.26362 7.233300 12.47511 10.621616 7.867795
2 6.705939 7.290139 6.896026 11.16421 8.294693 10.96171  9.283463 7.702067
3 7.542021 7.331410 6.729391 10.86380 7.547010 10.20072  8.884857 7.847243
4 7.827795 6.655951 6.708140 11.70487 8.637981 12.33818  9.458241 8.074573
5 6.796258 7.791991 7.488330 11.05764 8.941183 12.19990  9.561413 7.654644
6 7.586522 7.248623 6.837272 11.19498 7.516927 10.58948  9.032422 8.400274
     ABCC5     ABCC8    ABCD2    ABCD3    ABCE1    ABCF2    ABCF3     ABCG1
1 8.971456 10.368624 6.569425 6.864870 8.765213 8.405781 8.355384 12.119868
2 8.924245  7.882769 7.349124 7.035186 9.480066 9.613636 8.567225  9.533904
3 9.317958  7.240344 6.650674 6.865343 8.716176 9.322715 7.889017  9.246897
4 8.532776 10.257129 6.611022 6.761457 9.122343 9.282883 8.822519 11.375979
5 9.674851 11.258042 6.614314 6.744717 8.964149 6.764569 7.975910 12.136104
6 9.402390  7.345348 6.610154 6.916254 9.292160 9.316871 9.647487  8.672094
      ABCG4    ANXA1    ANXA4     APAF1      APC    APEX1     APEX2      APOE
1 12.644486 7.758441 6.780904  9.429752 6.659251 11.26058  9.964905 12.939256
2  8.937479 6.759182 6.843355  9.716625 6.541244 11.38137 10.379333 13.526659
3  9.032422 7.987442 6.792590  9.872901 6.756587 11.98111 10.470689  9.321591
4 11.081676 7.457984 6.699457  9.522337 6.649057 13.52122 10.019142 10.797752
5 12.316793 7.373193 6.873905 10.242153 6.733338 11.53132 10.459047 12.321970
6  9.468645 7.578365 6.858501 10.613006 6.718292 11.48385  9.947725 11.479465
      AQP9    ASAH1      ATM    ATOX1    ATP7B      ATR    AURKA       BAD
1 6.896667 8.013413 8.991016 11.86723 10.99604 8.824009 9.089473 10.026779
2 7.300790 9.384410 9.218706 11.00517 10.42616 8.869149 9.643404  9.368393
3 6.929544 8.434568 8.650290 11.14605 10.19583 9.292160 9.564038  9.157618
4 6.754185 7.994920 9.151488 10.36164 11.95049 9.364890 9.245179  9.277187
5 7.190891 8.338853 8.413892 10.79890 11.53551 8.646506 9.464309 10.649963
6 7.029738 7.757668 9.661314 10.79775 10.76656 9.455848 9.622132  9.286238
      BAG1      BAG3      BAX     BCL2   BCL2A1   BCL2L1      BCR      BID
1 8.247202  8.196225 8.285454 7.061771 6.749110 11.52845 7.478098 8.776066
2 8.696358  8.902348 8.527747 6.923657 6.893357 11.52132 8.600347 8.610633
3 9.137049 10.419071 9.042224 6.782296 6.982602 10.94320 7.660845 8.412206
4 9.052640  9.072504 8.199018 6.960116 6.872465 11.60881 8.420708 7.888162
5 8.499520 10.096657 9.192863 7.054737 6.924474 11.37976 9.646834 9.267554
6 8.357150 10.060701 8.185528 6.969883 6.895864 12.05709 7.877872 8.481050
      BIRC2    BIRC3    BIRC5    BRCA1    BRCA2    CASP3    CASP8     CASP9
1  9.588253 9.120734 8.104391 8.229637 7.606711 8.156865 8.899888 11.856829
2  9.908033 9.838902 7.612666 8.216154 8.249681 7.886652 9.397077 10.377508
3  8.713247 6.861837 7.233072 7.599784 7.478098 8.722548 8.633693  9.513663
4  9.252486 7.334627 8.222438 7.773172 7.825928 7.643726 9.040616 11.105953
5  9.871594 8.805367 6.848384 8.257817 7.295718 8.485559 9.228429 11.620631
6 10.172727 7.896412 7.633207 7.800559 8.152128 7.938922 9.057885  9.975805
      CCL2     CCND1     CCNE1     CCNH     CCT8     CDC40     CDH1      CDK2
1 8.485123 11.237506  7.789426 7.731906 10.66772  9.406706 6.781030  8.861773
2 9.227227  9.940672  8.954642 8.516610 11.26844 10.115095 6.794842  9.412149
3 9.323911 12.750957  8.534080 8.614546 10.77727  9.068780 6.984990 10.132387
4 7.998110 11.441090  8.038295 8.325207 11.28383  8.745830 6.838876  9.477643
5 9.119603 13.649187  9.980143 8.056253 11.00517  9.106713 6.880984  7.992254
6 9.852250 12.280211 10.960413 8.103981 11.21451  9.455284 6.841160  9.530001
      CDK4   CDKN1A   CDKN1B    CDKN2A     CFL1    CFLAR     CFTR    CHEK1
1 10.98201 11.42440 9.383292  7.320087 12.47236 12.02346 6.684829 7.048884
2 10.74663 11.07151 8.996853  8.965756 13.08190 12.51807 6.822915 6.693706
3 11.81952 12.13184 8.620351  7.790862 12.68359 11.99563 6.693981 6.751534
4 10.64447 12.79570 8.049906  7.557507 11.58685 13.04655 6.704771 6.682156
5 10.17820 11.98798 9.213098  6.933126 12.35253 11.90179 6.719023 6.860076
6 10.21128 10.97491 9.271118 10.297463 12.31679 11.90704 6.740824 6.657458
   CIAPIN1     CLDN1    CLDN16    CLDN5     CLDN7      CLU   COX7A2   CTNNB1
1 7.681508  8.708947  7.845268 9.297974  8.338058 7.100871 12.08316 11.56230
2 7.534961  7.926664  7.281107 8.984927  9.550085 6.669287 12.33584 10.68571
3 8.174967 10.655983 11.076369 7.789044  8.605269 7.338735 11.77432 10.93122
4 7.324561  7.969987 10.187592 9.341966 10.588528 7.554864 12.35253 11.40614
5 7.367011  9.324963 10.416467 9.805089  8.059932 7.586933 10.81128 10.55741
6 7.943628 10.406669 12.253335 9.032984  9.119125 6.682610 12.14235 11.60459
    CYP2B6    CYP2E1   CYP3A4   CYP3A5    DAPK1   DIABLO     E2F1    ERBB2
1 7.226860 11.208238 7.734879 6.759182 7.743586 7.424097 7.553361 7.041597
2 7.101800  8.818492 6.606713 7.273960 8.114309 7.736911 9.366599 7.205736
3 6.704883  9.964152 6.633858 6.770068 7.653972 7.709740 7.949149 7.114339
4 6.689213 10.409367 7.027562 7.035601 8.003611 7.678017 7.629158 7.266241
5 6.695742 11.135486 7.115536 6.920464 7.242014 7.347626 8.484248 7.181896
6 6.723709  8.753469 6.602698 6.723458 7.093027 7.551000 9.007671 7.527508
     ERCC1    ERCC2    ERCC3    ERCC5     ERCC8     ETS1       F3     FADD
1 8.119690 6.634948 7.798293 8.375592  9.138738 9.317442 6.497447 8.554351
2 8.512343 8.204595 8.122248 9.597599  9.309278 9.440621 6.744717 8.687447
3 7.454531 7.234607 8.413416 8.782179  9.783796 8.162965 6.800483 9.209239
4 8.102303 7.108459 7.795757 8.744821  9.246290 8.114309 6.658022 8.613511
5 8.014282 6.605423 7.433361 8.567225 10.437541 8.871729 6.836299 9.524010
6 8.224209 7.625147 7.892648 8.870164  9.678867 7.993830 6.712306 8.824009
       FAS    FASLG      FN1       FOS     GART     GJA1     GLO1     GPX2
1 6.661529 6.964673 13.84285 11.834893  9.58040 9.958993 8.524575 6.909208
2 6.940935 7.224190 13.12844  9.774165 10.96740 8.066872 9.729713 6.795481
3 6.856376 6.805081 11.58972 11.241464 10.35577 7.872872 9.562123 6.698990
4 6.769281 6.722381 10.45366  8.293316 11.43317 8.384023 8.875251 6.733681
5 6.778335 7.051708 14.24558 11.396325 10.39101 9.211440 8.911571 6.589032
6 6.959689 7.004315 13.98307 10.381797 10.73191 8.489960 9.608504 6.669961
      GPX4    GSK3B       GSR      GSS    GSTA4    GSTK1     GSTM3     GSTM4
1 6.813452 12.15442  8.398504 8.961541 6.943554 10.32362 10.100971  9.568280
2 7.868558 12.43114 11.220488 7.614796 6.670250 10.43400  8.403353 10.132387
3 7.352592 12.69534  9.704405 7.509262 7.089369 10.72160  9.037159  9.091691
4 7.030146 12.76982  9.733084 8.431504 6.984135 10.82619  8.544503  9.750934
5 7.345952 12.18104  9.412149 8.516610 6.981129 10.28949  9.088984  9.044935
6 7.666169 12.71081 10.075754 8.083219 7.002652 10.01606  9.093766  9.511245
      GSTM5    GSTO1    GSTP1    GSTT1    GSTZ1      HAGH     HIF1A     HSPH1
1 10.306293 8.606291 11.78586 8.416559 7.291539  9.289830  9.491030  9.783796
2  7.872448 9.581561 12.37797 8.778741 7.521389  8.889739 10.110454 10.282395
3  6.983758 7.819526 11.39633 9.023617 7.188044  9.795539 10.382583 10.087814
4  8.406175 8.135362 11.26994 9.001613 7.692207 10.280731  9.825716  9.560779
5 10.084094 9.031920 12.57920 8.777632 7.675928  9.376039  9.642701  9.141591
6  7.612992 8.526893 11.79920 9.071992 7.034782  9.344247 10.097440  9.936790
     IGF1R      IL6     INSR    ITGAE    KCNMA1      KIT     KLF1       LBR
1 6.838876 9.086239 6.800426 7.491948 10.257129 8.975076 6.889729  9.613636
2 6.875127 7.356368 6.702848 7.887034 10.926863 7.326361 6.814125 10.578780
3 7.079108 8.579867 6.759050 8.322547 10.579718 7.096939 6.974354 10.835462
4 6.957563 7.241782 6.629429 8.319912  9.944868 8.286431 6.864716  9.486122
5 6.942007 6.601503 6.822207 6.708006 10.454517 8.897156 6.877372  7.866780
6 7.103209 7.701416 6.772228 7.881255 10.433997 6.945788 6.852500 10.998302
      LIG4   MAP2K1     MAPK3    MAPK8     MCL1     MDM2      MGMT    MKI67
1 7.212709 8.125232 12.160799 6.760280 6.823211 8.373721  8.816099 12.49164
2 7.592506 8.994710 11.779350 6.830487 6.947933 8.272301 11.581831 11.50976
3 7.749951 8.815611 10.489889 6.821279 6.878306 8.728776 10.545614 10.84681
4 8.060331 7.805088 11.525632 6.725328 6.745341 8.798323 10.435745 12.43114
5 7.500034 7.733790 11.825978 6.955973 6.808960 7.974306 11.326666 12.91702
6 8.157733 8.143069  9.615703 6.871519 6.804433 7.806968 11.261863 12.13857
      MLH1     MLH3     MMP2      MMP9    MNAT1   MRE11A     MSH2     MSH3
1 9.572425 9.998742 6.702731 12.978979 7.803568 8.340568 6.980159 8.336425
2 9.386016 7.746810 7.630609 13.738296 7.877496 8.130434 6.932767 8.808049
3 8.983380 8.972458 7.756945  8.245050 8.770694 8.189652 7.287554 9.067189
4 9.197284 9.209753 7.144451  8.381403 9.090058 8.187218 7.071250 8.776066
5 9.587072 9.540095 9.694220 12.311452 8.386363 7.600436 7.044314 7.894203
6 8.377317 8.089658 8.114692 11.661257 8.863229 8.192236 7.272901 8.648388
      MSH6    MUTYH       MVP       MYC    NFKB1   NFKBIA    NR1H3    NR1H4
1 11.48785 8.441406 10.160548 10.863801 7.806222 14.01653 12.28710 6.753944
2 10.43314 8.087351 10.192472 12.136104 8.253187 14.30214 12.88488 6.766869
3 12.30680 8.106060  9.545129  9.928011 8.214850 14.30214 11.06684 6.848135
4 11.06815 8.009482 10.208878 10.804036 7.478761 13.64919 12.25334 6.778560
5 10.48989 8.059121 10.472425 10.493515 7.868558 14.02920 11.92540 6.942543
6 11.07922 7.855445 10.219166 10.781571 7.812260 13.91213 11.68122 6.824061
     NR1I3    NTRK2    PARP2    PDGFRB     PDK1   PIK3CA      POLB     POLI
1 7.164879 6.841160 8.358902  9.370726 6.903371 9.108833 11.120641 7.539652
2 6.812951 7.271305 7.477164  9.034046 7.127309 9.201932  9.964905 8.288179
3 6.798531 8.358488 8.145587 10.246274 7.256301 9.506519 10.098987 8.123014
4 6.888614 7.348783 9.838368  8.617009 6.903549 9.316871  9.659823 8.731196
5 7.389878 6.763306 7.256041  9.977210 6.993913 9.168068 10.835462 8.108127
6 6.742970 7.317526 7.720117  9.911881 7.013408 9.879251 10.386700 7.974730
     PSMA3      RAD1    RAD23A   RAD23B    RAD50    RAD51     RAF1      RB1
1 6.782166 13.030370  9.618876 8.843967 7.413681 7.440083 8.593359 8.702936
2 6.980542 10.503795 10.471470 9.246897 7.798293 6.702731 8.830427 8.617009
3 6.725328  8.564961  8.915122 9.076945 7.891816 6.926470 8.020952 9.674851
4 6.814259 12.015844 10.162910 9.877929 7.947961 7.935052 8.021755 8.412991
5 6.648600 12.268708  9.144911 8.536796 7.971156 8.088937 8.568614 7.822239
6 6.798531  8.672581 10.081694 8.153357 8.079344 6.611246 7.718002 8.936396
      RPL36    SGPP1    SIRT1    SIRT2    SIRT4    SIRT5  SLC10A1  SLC15A2
1 10.354919 6.917069 7.129892 7.144451 6.894916 10.97857 8.833532 7.010702
2 11.276217 7.143976 7.207968 6.662145 7.068340 10.12467 7.207738 7.099184
3 10.143224 7.205455 7.987801 6.566324 6.788607 10.98315 6.965629 7.292587
4  9.923729 6.753404 7.203537 6.982027 6.874808 11.09773 7.741941 7.080201
5 10.808039 7.116433 7.396476 6.953287 6.786749 10.89773 8.283368 7.082766
6 10.983148 6.921313 7.981465 7.454183 7.466898 11.31854 6.951303 7.343303
   SLC16A2  SLC16A3  SLC19A1  SLC19A2   SLC19A3   SLC1A4   SLC1A5  SLC22A1
1 7.935776 7.073882 8.302609 6.608728 10.319222 7.593181 6.722895 6.853897
2 7.306276 7.687788 8.035930 6.973975 11.249055 7.813252 6.843828 6.900822
3 8.088129 7.034543 7.397024 6.673266 10.179876 7.754429 6.794206 6.889729
4 7.656052 6.853179 8.308380 6.664070  8.808519 7.536985 6.837693 6.776230
5 7.268498 7.590332 9.109394 6.946268 12.026946 7.789426 6.767923 6.881709
6 7.061949 7.471210 8.479222 6.851816 10.216842 7.261172 6.847398 6.992752
   SLC28A1   SLC29A1   SLC29A2    SLC2A5  SLC31A1    SLC7A1  SLC7A10  SLC7A11
1 6.674104 10.014521  9.864982  9.048300 7.571797  8.920121 6.829303 7.247272
2 6.662544  9.981688 10.072713  9.798107 8.382291  9.969333 6.999004 6.633858
3 6.592974  9.491030  9.182233  7.686160 8.104815  9.705134 7.536985 7.488330
4 6.483127  9.713148  9.538248  7.253627 8.433297  8.508646 7.093263 7.495513
5 6.723320  9.668169  9.159178 10.168625 7.899521  9.433523 6.904507 6.656101
6 6.672712  9.431107  9.219328  8.476463 8.217021 10.246274 9.037159 7.903030
    SLC7A2    SLC7A5   SLC7A8 SLC9A3R2  SLCO4A1      SP1      SRC    STAT1
1 7.079565  9.537659 9.178516 9.574976 6.934997 8.724469 11.78092 14.12329
2 7.195008 11.765885 8.660329 8.738353 9.133377 8.947775 11.09672 13.52122
3 7.195264 10.746632 8.184732 8.696358 8.134120 9.789807 10.89362 12.96082
4 7.653623 11.041209 8.868709 9.726282 7.297339 8.790778 11.42155 13.23216
5 7.182167 10.971551 9.391325 8.800765 9.034046 7.951562 11.24649 13.50068
6 6.940789 10.242153 7.481978 9.236139 7.334928 8.708947 11.30645 13.22267
     STAT3   STAT5A   STAT5B     TGFA    TIMP1   TMEM109  TNFSF10     TOP1
1 10.38670 7.598387 7.370609 8.495975 12.94263  9.197852 7.350274 11.14493
2 11.44832 8.313083 8.451724 8.204998 13.42744  9.917066 7.985511 11.41880
3 10.81887 7.558533 8.701540 8.289002 14.44965 10.019861 6.702332 10.86906
4 10.79106 7.047179 7.844877 8.158572 13.50068  9.005625 6.777934 11.42440
5 10.72573 7.079323 7.921993 8.539952 14.22980  9.499840 7.336431 10.64622
6 11.00185 7.527831 8.021755 8.726781 13.11178  8.997311 8.475478 11.28510
      TOP2A     TOP2B      TP53   TP53BP2     TP73     TRADD    TRAF1      XPA
1  8.878214 10.313158  8.253187 10.893620 6.604516 10.627634 6.891011 6.557723
2 11.318544 10.403172  8.157733 10.405792 6.713857 11.563815 7.017953 6.634579
3 10.001815  9.987692  7.967948 10.090610 7.120558  9.583350 6.979454 6.644534
4 10.606993 10.428813 10.618854 10.079322 7.011689  9.879251 7.062134 6.713586
5 10.291002  9.870044  7.643020  9.946294 6.582531 11.636604 6.971541 6.680946
6 10.660817 10.509485  9.061171 11.044895 6.722895 10.745602 7.272121 6.692519
       XPC    XRCC1    XRCC2    XRCC3    XRCC4    XRCC5
1 11.46091 8.462342 6.820206 7.406896 6.749753 13.09007
2 10.57020 9.047179 7.347931 8.022978 7.009499 12.53423
3 10.79775 7.874741 7.123481 7.499060 6.685486 14.11107
4 11.44710 8.113415 6.991716 8.012213 6.775875 13.57871
5 11.33618 8.468848 6.863026 7.687788 6.880655 12.97898
6 10.24550 8.257817 7.140145 7.470006 6.844277 13.44681

Alternative data

Prof. Parmigiani suggests a list of genes of interest from the curatedOvarianData dataset that could be missing from the proposed cleaned dataset. If you want to try these genes for the exercises you can use the previous functions to create your dataset(s):

# genes of interest
genes <- c("MMP2", "TIMP3", "ADAMTS1", "VCL", "TGFB1", "SPARC", "CYR61", "EGR1", "SMADs", "GLIs", "VCAN", "CNY61", "LOX", "TAFs", "ACTA2", "POSTN", "CXCL14", "CCL13", "FAP", "NUAK1", "PTCH1", "TGFBR2", "TNFAIP6", "POSTN", "CXCL14", "CCL13", "FAP", "NUAK1", "PTCH1", "TGFBR2", "TNFAIP6")

Contingency tables (CT)

CTs are tables that summarize 2 or more categorical variables using absolute or relative frequencies.

Contingency tables (CT)

x y Total
1 0
1 31
20.7 %
32 %
52.7 %
0 36
24 %
23.3 %
47.3 %
Total 67
44.7 %
55.3 %
100 %

Contingency tables (CT)

Regardless of the content, contingency tables can be expressed with a common nomenclature.

Prediction 1 True Positive (TP) False Positive (FP)
0 False Negative (FN) True Negative (TN)

Contingency tables (CT)

There are a lot of metrics that can be calculated from a simple contingency tables:

Contingency tables (CT) metrics

The most important (and used) measures are:

  • the Sensitivity (aka True Positive Rate TPR or recall) is \(\frac{TP}{(TP + FN)}\)
  • the Specificity (aka True Negative Rate TNR) is \(\frac{TN}{(FP + TN)}\)
  • the Accuracy is \(\frac{(TP + TN)}{(TP + TN + FP + FN)}\)
  • the Positive Predictive Value is \(\frac{TP}{TP + FP}\) or \(\frac{TPR \times \rho}{TPR \times \rho + (1 - TPR) \times (1 - \rho)}\) where \(\rho\) is the prevalence i.e. \(TP + FP\)
  • Area Under the Curve (AUC) is the area under the ROC curve that represent classification performance

Contingency tables (CT) metrics

Test 1 True Positive (TP) False Positive (FP) \(PPV = \frac{TP}{TP + FP}\)
0 False Negative (FN) True Negative (TN) \(NPV = \frac{TN}{TN + FN}\)
\(Sensitivity = \frac{TP}{TP + FN}\) \(Specificity = \frac{TN}{TN + FP}\) \(N = TP + FP + FN + TN\)
\(\rho = \frac{TP + FN}{N}\) \(1 - \rho = \frac{FP + TN}{N}\)

Contingency tables (CT) metrics

Test 1 \(Sensitivity \times \rho\) \((1 - Specificity) \times (1 - \rho)\) \(PPV = \frac{Sensitivity \times \rho}{Sensitivity \times \rho + (1 - Sensitivity) \times (1 - \rho)}\)
0 \((1 - Sensitivity) \times \rho\) \(Specificity \times (1 - \rho)\) \(NPV = \frac{Specificity \times (1 - \rho)}{(1 - Sensitivity) \times \rho + Specificity \times (1 - \rho)}\)
\(Sensitivity = \frac{TP}{TP + FN}\) \(Specificity = \frac{TN}{TN + FP}\) 1
\(\rho\) \(1 - \rho\)

Sensitivity and Specificity

To better understand the sensitivity and specificity we can use several formulations. Sensitivity and Specificity (and also other metrics) are essentially conditional probabilities.

\[ Sensitivity = p(T^+|S^+) = \frac{p(S^+|T^+)p(T^+)}{p(S^+)} = \frac{\frac{TP}{TP + FP}\frac{TP + FP}{N}}{\frac{TP + FN}{N}} = \frac{PPVp(T^+)}{\rho} \]

\[ Specificity = p(T^-|S^-) = \frac{p(S^-|T^-)p(T^-)}{p(S^-)} = \frac{\frac{TN}{TN + FN}\frac{TN + FN}{N}}{\frac{FP + TN}{N}} = \frac{NPVp(T^-)}{1 -\rho} \]

Positive Predictive Value (PPV)

The PPV is the probability of having a diseases given that my test is positive. While sensitivity and specificity are generally stable regardless the prevalence (but see Brenner & Gefeller, 1997), PPV is strongly affected by the disease prevalence.

Let’s write a function to calculate the PPV:

ppv <- function(tp = NULL,
                fp = NULL, 
                sensitivity = NULL, 
                specificity = NULL, 
                prevalence = NULL){
  if(!is.null(tp) & !is.null(fp)){
    tp / (tp + fp)
  } else if(!is.null(sensitivity) & !is.null(specificity) & !is.null(prevalence)){
    (sensitivity * prevalence) / (sensitivity * prevalence + (1 - specificity) * (1 - prevalence))
  } else{
    stop("To calculate PPV tp AND fp OR sensitivity AND specificity AND prevalence need to be specified!")

Positive Predictive Value (PPV)

Now we can calculate the PPV, fixing sensitivity and specificity by changing the prevalence:

# let's vary the prevalence
prevalence <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)

# computing ppv for each prevalence, fixing the specificity and sensitivity
ppvs <- ppv(sensitivity = 0.9, specificity = 0.8, prevalence = prevalence)

Youden’s J, disclaimer

The Youden’s J is just an option among several alternatives for choosing the best threshold. For example the cutpointr package:

An example…

Let’s imagine to have a group of patients with a certain disease (called \(S\)) or condition measured by a gold-standard test. We are developing a new faster and cheaper test (called \(T\)) but we are not sure about the capacity to reliably detect the condition.

Simulation code
dat_ex <- sim_bin_class(0.75, n = 100, prevalence = 0.2, var.names = c(x = "test", y = "state"))
dat_ex$state <- factor(dat_ex$state, levels = c(1, 0), labels = c("sick", "healthy"))
    state               test
1 healthy  -1.74981300203282
2 healthy -0.736961473635185
3 healthy  0.520011973796566
4 healthy -0.135920025857641
5     ...                ...
6    sick  0.892889214232731
7    sick   0.20024623054215
8    sick   1.28166162505061
9    sick  0.264876004723557

Binary classifiers

# total
[1] 100
# prevalence

   sick healthy 
     20      80 
table(dat_ex$state) / nrow(dat_ex)

   sick healthy 
    0.2     0.8 
# difference in the test between the two groups
tapply(dat_ex$test, dat_ex$state, mean)
      sick    healthy 
 0.0917035 -0.5390718 

Probably the most intuitive way is the density plot for each group:

Binary classifiers

Intuitively, as the mean difference (on the predictor) between the two groups increase the two groups are easy to discriminate:

Binary classifiers, Thresholds

To create a contingency table and calculate the related metrics we need to choose a threshold on the predictor variable:

Binary classifiers, Thresholds

Similarly, we can create the contingency tables with related metrics:

1 0 Tot
Test 1 4131 888 5019
0 869 4112 4981
Tot 5000 5000 10000
Threshold = 0
Sensitivity = 0.826
Specificity = 0.822
PPV = 0.823
1 0 Tot
Test 1 4964 3636 8600
0 36 1364 1400
Tot 5000 5000 10000
Threshold = -1.5
Sensitivity = 0.993
Specificity = 0.273
PPV = 0.577
1 0 Tot
Test 1 672 12 684
0 4328 4988 9316
Tot 5000 5000 10000
Threshold = 2
Sensitivity = 0.134
Specificity = 0.998
PPV = 0.982


We can start by plotting the specificity and sensitivity for a given threshold:

cmat <- classify(dat_ex_90, state, test, c = 0)
    tp  fp   tn  fn    tpr    fpr    tnr    fnr   tot prevalence c       ppv
1 4131 888 4112 869 0.8262 0.1776 0.8224 0.1738 10000        0.5 0 0.8230723
1 0.825537


When evaluating sensitivity and specificity with multiple thresholds we obtain the ROC curve:


The Area Under the Curve (AUC) range between 0.5 (null classification) and 1 (perfect classification):

Youden’s J

Given the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, the choice of the best threshold (\(c\)) is not straightforward. An option is using the Youden’s J:

\[ J = sensitivity + specificity - 1 \] Thus taking the maximum of \(J_i\) calculated on all threshold give us the threshold that maximize the sum between sensitivity and specificity.

Youden’s J

dat <- sim_bin_class(auc = 0.8, n = 100, prevalence = 0.5)
fit_roc <- roc(y ~ x, data = dat)
J <- coords(fit_roc, "best", best.method = "youden")
J$J <- J$specificity + J$sensitivity - 1
Js <- fit_roc$sensitivities + fit_roc$specificities - 1
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(fit_roc, main = "ROC curve")
points(x = J$specificity, y = J$sensitivity, pch = 19, col = "firebrick", cex = 1.4)

plot(fit_roc$thresholds, Js, type = "l", xlab = "Thresholds", ylab = "Youden's J",
     main = "Youden's J")
points(J$threshold, max(Js), pch = 19, col = "firebrick", cex = 1.4)
text(x = 0.6, y = 0.45, labels = sprintf("Cutoff = %.2f", J$threshold))

Data simulation

All the example so far are based on simulated data. I wrote a little function (sim_bin_class()) that simulate a binary classifier assuming a latent probit model. You can play around to check what happens changing the parameters.

sim_bin_class <- function(auc = NULL,
                          d = NULL,
                          x.mean = 0,
                          x.sd = 1,
                          var.names = c(x = "x", y = "y")){
  if(is.null(auc) & is.null(d)){
    stop("AUC or d need to be specified")
    d <- auc_to_d(auc)
  n1 <- ceiling(n * prevalence)
  n0 <- n - n1
  y <- rep(c(0, 1), c(n0, n1))
  x <- ifelse(y == 1, rnorm(n1, (d/2)*x.sd + x.mean, 1), rnorm(n0, (-d/2)*x.sd + x.mean, 1))
  dat <- data.frame(y, x)
  names(dat) <- var.names[names(dat)]

Data simulation

Let’s make an example simulating a binary classifier with an AUC of 0.7:

dat <- sim_bin_class(auc = 0.7, n = 100, prevalence = 0.5)
  y          x
1 0  0.8100790
2 0 -0.4872855
3 0  0.2173173
4 0 -1.3149524
5 0 -0.5828904
6 0 -1.1558787

Data simulation

Let’s see some useful descriptive plots:

plot_class(dat, y, x)

Data simulation

The plot_class() function is a shortcut to produce the dotplot-density combination that is useful when plotting a binary classifier:

plot_class <- function(data, y, x){
  x <- deparse(substitute(x))
  y <- deparse(substitute(y))
  if(!is.numeric(data[[y]])) stop("The response variable need to be numeric (0-1)")

  dens <- tapply(data[[x]], data[[y]], density)
  ndens <- names(dens)
  fit <- glm(data[[y]] ~ data[[x]], family = binomial(link = "logit"))
  def.par = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  xlim <- c(min(sapply(dens, function(x) min(x$x))),
            max(sapply(dens, function(x) max(x$x))))
  ylim <- c(0, max(sapply(dens, function(x) max(x$y))))
  par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
       main = "Density Plot",
       xlab = x,
       col = "firebrick",
       lwd = 1.5,
       xlim = xlim,
       ylim = ylim)
  rug(data[[x]][data[[y]] == ndens[1]], col = "firebrick", lwd = 1.5)
  rug(data[[x]][data[[y]] == ndens[2]], col = "dodgerblue3", lwd = 1.5)
  lines(dens[[2]], col = "dodgerblue3", lwd = 1.5)
  xr <- seq(min(data[[x]]), max(data[[x]]), length.out = 500)
  pr <- plogis(coef(fit)[1] + coef(fit)[2]*xr)
  y_jitt <- jitter(data[[y]], 0.2)
  y_col <- ifelse(data[[y]] == ndens[1], "firebrick", "dodgerblue3")
  plot(data[[x]], y_jitt, 
       col = scales::alpha(y_col, 0.4),
       pch = 19,
       main = "Dotplot",
       xlab = x,
       ylab = y)
  lines(xr, pr)

Data Simulation

fit_roc <- pROC::roc(y ~ x, data = dat)

roc.formula(formula = y ~ x, data = dat)

Data: x in 50 controls (y 0) < 50 cases (y 1).
Area under the curve: 0.742
fit_roc |> 
  pROC::ggroc() + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 1, color = "darkgrey") +
  coord_fixed() +
  theme_minimal(15) +
  xlab("Specificity") +

Data Simulation

Or manually using the classify() function that compute common classification metrics given one or more thresholds \(c_i\):

classify <- function(data, y, x, c, na.rm = FALSE){
  xn <- deparse(substitute(x))
  yn <- deparse(substitute(y))
    data <- data[complete.cases(data[, c(xn, yn)]), ]
  confusion <- lapply(c, function(cr){
    # classify based on c
    yp <- ifelse(data[[xn]] >= cr, 1, 0)
    out <- data.frame(
      tp = sum(data[[yn]] == 1 & yp == 1),
      fp = sum(data[[yn]] == 0 & yp == 1),
      tn = sum(data[[yn]] == 0 & yp == 0),
      fn = sum(data[[yn]] == 1 & yp == 0)
    # rates
    out$tpr <- with(out, tp / (tp + fn))
    out$fpr <- with(out, fp / (fp + tn))
    out$tnr <- 1 - out$fpr
    out$fnr <- 1 - out$tpr
    out$tot <- nrow(data)
    out$prevalence <- mean(data[[yn]] == 1)
    out$c <- cr
    out$ppv <- with(out, tp / (tp + fp))
    out$npv <- with(out, tn / (tn + fn))
  do.call(rbind, confusion)

Data Simulation

classify(dat, y, x, 0)
  tp fp tn fn tpr  fpr  tnr fnr tot prevalence c       ppv    npv
1 35 17 33 15 0.7 0.34 0.66 0.3 100        0.5 0 0.6730769 0.6875
classify(dat, y, x, c(-1, 0, 1))
  tp fp tn fn  tpr  fpr  tnr  fnr tot prevalence  c       ppv       npv
1 47 36 14  3 0.94 0.72 0.28 0.06 100        0.5 -1 0.5662651 0.8235294
2 35 17 33 15 0.70 0.34 0.66 0.30 100        0.5  0 0.6730769 0.6875000
3 15  3 47 35 0.30 0.06 0.94 0.70 100        0.5  1 0.8333333 0.5731707
# ~ full roc curve
cs <- c(-Inf, seq(-4, 4, 0.1), Inf)
car::some(classify(dat, y, x, cs))
   tp fp tn fn  tpr  fpr  tnr  fnr tot prevalence    c       ppv       npv
12 50 50  0  0 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 100        0.5 -3.0 0.5000000       NaN
18 50 49  1  0 1.00 0.98 0.02 0.00 100        0.5 -2.4 0.5050505 1.0000000
25 49 45  5  1 0.98 0.90 0.10 0.02 100        0.5 -1.7 0.5212766 0.8333333
27 49 42  8  1 0.98 0.84 0.16 0.02 100        0.5 -1.5 0.5384615 0.8888889
43 31 16 34 19 0.62 0.32 0.68 0.38 100        0.5  0.1 0.6595745 0.6415094
46 26 10 40 24 0.52 0.20 0.80 0.48 100        0.5  0.4 0.7222222 0.6250000
54 12  1 49 38 0.24 0.02 0.98 0.76 100        0.5  1.2 0.9230769 0.5632184
56  8  0 50 42 0.16 0.00 1.00 0.84 100        0.5  1.4 1.0000000 0.5434783
64  3  0 50 47 0.06 0.00 1.00 0.94 100        0.5  2.2 1.0000000 0.5154639
80  0  0 50 50 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 100        0.5  3.8       NaN 0.5000000

Data Simulation

cr <- seq(-3, 3, 0.1) # vector of thresholds
cmat <- classify(dat, y, x, cr)

plot(cmat$tnr, cmat$tpr, xlim = rev(range(cmat$tpr)), type = "l",
     xlab = "Specificity",
     ylab = "Sensitivity")

Application to genetic data


Moving to our curatedOvarianData dataset, we want to explore how the information from genes (\(g\)) expression predict the debulking probability.

The term debulking represent the patient’s surgery success in removing the tumor mass (optimal debulking) vs the insuccess in removing the tumor mass (suboptimal debulking)

Some questions are:

  • how different genes predict the debulking status
  • how results from a given gene \(g_i\) change, using a different dataset

Conventions and notation

We saw that working with contingency tables requires giving labels to the actual data. In this case we set the following conventions:

  • the suboptimal state is coded as 0 i.e. having the disease
  • the optimal state is coded as 1 i.e. not having the disease
  • we call the state (S) the variable representing the TRUE surgery outcome and test (T) the predicted outcome using the gene expression. Thus e.g. \(p(T_1|S_1)\) is the Sensitivity


  1. Load and explore the data (you can the ovarianclean.rds or using the raw curatedOvarianData) or the genes proposed at the beginning.
  2. Calculate the prevalence (\(p(S_1)\)) of the optimal debulking for each dataset
  3. Choose a gene (\(g_i\)) and plot the \(x_i\) values according to the debulking
  4. Calculate the Sensitivity, Specificity, Youden’s J and PPV for all datasets based on the same gene.
  5. Compare graphically and descriptively the results
  6. Compute the ROC curve and the AUC with a standard error (see the pROC package, in particular the var function)
  7. Compute and represent a random-effects meta-analysis combining the AUCs for the same gene, across datasets. Interpret the pooled effect, heterogeneity and Q-statistics.

Steps (optional)

  1. [Extra] Try to compute the standard error of the AUC using a bootstrapping approach. Essentially you need to sample with replacement (see sample()) \(n\) rows from the dataset (where \(n\) is the total number of rows), compute and store the AUC, repeat the process several times (at least 10000 times), calculate the standard deviation of the boostrapped AUC distribution.
  • There is also the pROC::ci.auc() function with the bootstrap option. Try to manually code the bootstrap and eventually compare the results
  • The confidence interval can be calculated with the quantile() function (see Carpenter & Bithell, 2000) with the desired coverage (e.g., 95%)
  • Further details are available here https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/pROC/pROC.pdf (page 5, Section Bootstrap)
  1. You can also explore some other phenotypes


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